Bodyguards & Security Guards London

Bodyguards with businessmanHello,

My name is Ray Mason; I set up Centurion Guards to offer executive levels of security to the most successful people across London, UK and EU. I’m a security professional with over three decades of experience supplying security solutions.

My training has included various forms of martial arts, boxing, bodybuilding and control and restraint techniques undertaken at the famous Broad More High Security “hospital”.

Clients have included Austin Reed, Audi, Hugo Boss, Laura Ashley, Selfridges, Timberland, The Science Museum, Bentley Cars, Harpo Productions (Oprah Winfrey’s Production Company) and other leading organisations. Also celebrities/music leaders such as Luther Van Dross, Gary Lineker and Hezekiah Walker.

A very keen driver who passed my manual UK driving test and the IAM (Institute of Advanced Motorists) tests at the first time of trying. Trained in anti-ambush and anti-kidnap driver techniques as part of my Close Protection (Body Guard) training.

Over a period of 11 years, I was the head of security for a large church in Walthamstow, East London. It was the most diverse use of my security experience I’ve had to employ to date. It included door supervision, close protection, crowd control, cash in transit, event security and VIP transportation.

When volunteer security is more efficient than the US Secret Service protecting George W. Bush and The UK Close Protection team guarding David Cameron:

In 2008 the then president of the USA George W. Bush was visiting Bagdad, Iraq when a very irate reporter stood up during the televised talk and was able to throw not one but two shoes at President Bush. I was surprised at this because during my 11 years volunteering my security expertise to a large charity in Walthamstow.

I put various security procedures in place, one of which was that whenever a speaker is giving an address to any size crowd. There has to be at least 1 security member who has to face the group and is always closer to the speaker than the closest audience member is. So, if any of these types of incidents occur, this lead security member would be able to see the perpetrator and be in the position to block the attack.

4 of David Cameron’s Body Guards Didn’t Notice This Guy?

In 2014 a “jogger” made a beeline for our then Prime Minister David Cameron, the PM was the first person to see him, and the CPO (close protection officer) behind the PM only saw the guy once he had his hands on the PM. The other CPO’s were in la la land and didn’t notice anything.

If this is the level of security given to the most powerful men on earth? I could see that there must be many people who would appreciate bodyguards who are up to the job of providing effective security. That not only look the part but will see and deal with any threats.

Centurion Guards Ltd, executive security services across London, UK & EU, ex-military & ex-special forces bodyguards. For, HNWI’s celebrities & royalty. Emergency security in London within a few hours. Guard dogs, mobile patrols, elite event & luxury retail security guards. For your organisation, home or travel. 0844 499 0607,,

Over my time in security several things became clear to me:

  1. It may take up to 20 minutes for the police to arrive to deal with an incident. Even one minute is a lifetime if you and your family are in a life and death struggle with a couple of lazy vicious freeloaders.
  2. I was much bigger, fitter, stronger and more confident than the average police officer. This resulted in police officers often asking me for assistance in escorting suspects to police vehicles.
  3. Some so-called security experts are not up to the job and are only exposed when an actual security breach happens. As in the case with David Cameron and the “jogger” and George W. Bush with the shoe thrower of Bagdad.
  4. In potentially violent situations, an aware security professional trained in some form of unarmed combat is the only answer. Detecting, analysing and dispatching of potentially dangerous conditions in a calm and controlled manner. Before the average person sees’s the threat coming.
  5. Some criminals actively search for those of us who are at the very top of our industries. In the hope of being able to relieve us of some of our valuables, with threats to us and our family’s safety.
  6. Homeowners are often prosecuted and sometimes jailed for using excessive force when they’ve had to engage intruders into their homes. If you’re not used to violent situations and understand the level of force you’re allowed by law to use, you may well end up in prison.
  7. Every few months we hear of people who are at the very top of their industries who have no active protection in place, so where sitting ducks when they were targeted by freeloading violent crooks. Through their hard work and financial acumen, they’re in a position to engage effective security personnel to protect their family and homes. But for some unknown reason, many don’t.
  8. The most important aspect of any form of security is hypervigilance or situational awareness. Meaning being very of aware what’s going on in your area and taking the necessary actions to stop active threats.

I have a basic rule before I hire any security staff, if I wouldn’t trust the safety of my family in their hands, I won’t hire them.

Centurion Guards Ltd, executive security services across London, UK & EU, ex-military & ex-special forces bodyguards. For, HNWI’s celebrities & royalty. Emergency security in London within a few hours. Guard dogs, mobile patrols, elite event & luxury retail security guards. For your organisation, home or travel. 0844 499 0607,