Bodyguards & Security Guards London

Centurion Guards are actively seeking security professionals to assist us in providing executive levels of protection to our clients.

If you can answer yes to the below questions, please send us your CV, and we will contact you when we are next holding interviews.

  1. You need to have a minimum of two years active security experience. Active as in having to regularly remove persons from premises or arresting suspects.
  2. You must have a valid SIA Close Protection license.
  3. You should speak clear English
  4. We need you to regularly train in some form of unarmed combat or strength training. Such as bodybuilding, Judo, Krav Mar, circuit training or similar.

If you answer yes to all of the above questions, please send us your CV, you must include your height, weight, what you do to keep fit and how regularly you train?

Send your CV and requested information to

Please do not call us.