Security Guards:
Our security guards are available for many different situations, from manning your reception to patrolling your retail premises.
Emergency Security Guards London:
Sometimes emergencies happen and you need security cover in a hurry, don’t worry we often have such calls and can have a security professional on your site in a couple of hours. Security companies London wide sometimes say they give a 24 hour 7 day a week service, however try contacting some of them in the dead of night and you often can’t get through to them.
Mobile Patrols:
Sometimes all you need are few mobile patrols to check your site several times every day.
Guard Dogs:
Guard dogs are a massive deterrent to criminals, with their hearing and sense of smell being much more acute that ours, they can detect intruders much faster than we can. They’re also a formidable force and are worth 3 or four security guards, they’re perfect for wide open spaces.